Tal-Barrani Road, Tarxien, TXN9020
Tarxien: +356 9980 4009 UK +44 7931 746110 email: trotters.malta@gmail.com
Packing Guidlines
Trotters Guidlines - How to pack your fragile items.
Fragile items are easily broken or damaged in a move. Here are simple tips to keep in mind when packing these items.
Always use triple walled boxes and proper packing tape.
Don’t rely on crockery or glassware to be safe if only wrapped in news paper.
Always pack the boxes so that nothing can move in transit.
Always separate any glass and crockery items (don’t let a glass touch another glass without a protective layer in between.
Communicate with the moving company or whoever will be handling your items. Aside from putting the labels on the boxes, you should inform the movers about the boxes that contain fragile items. It will serve as a heads up for the removal company.
Choose packaging materials that can keep fragile items safe from bumps, shocks or variations of any kind.
Use paper or bubble wrap to wrap your fragile items to provide cushioning. Packaging peanuts or other loose fill can fill gaps in your boxes and provide extra protection.
When packing with clothing, use socks and small items as filler, and wrap your fragile items in larger, soft articles of clothing.
Pad the sides and bottom of a box before placing anything into it.
Wrap fragile items in paper or bubble wrap.
For taller items like glasses, roll the item in the paper and fold the edges over.
For other items like plates, fold the paper around the item and tape paper to finish. Use more than one sheet of paper when necessary or for extra padding.
Pack some items, like cups or mugs, in a cell pack. A cell pack is a structure made of cardboard or plastic that fits into your box and holds items in separate cells. This will keep these items in place and can help protect them. Wrap items in newspaper or other padding before placing anything into the box.
After filling a box, gently pack tissue or bubble wrap into any open spaces.
When finished with a box, secure it with packaging tape and label it as fragile. Remember to handle these boxes with care.
PLEASE NOTE: as we are not packing your items ourselves, we are not responsible for any breakages due to poor packaging. It is your responsibility to make sure the items are protected adequately.
Trotters Packing Service
We offer a complete home packing service. Our team arrive at your home, bring boxes, bubble wrap, tape and any other required packing materials. We have a guide for the number of packers/boxes/hours will be required based on the size of your property or the number/type of rooms to be packed.. For more info send us an email and we can provide a full packing quote. Type your paragraph here.